Post by Neo on Jul 30, 2021 8:53:06 GMT -5
Dedicated upon completion of a virtuous deed or spiritual practice, a proper dedication of the merit should be done according to the text. Since very good karma has already been effected during meditation or animal release, how to apply this good karma thus becomes a pivotal question. Should it be used to attain liberation, health, longevity or rebirth in the god or huma realm? We can choose. In essence, dedication is to make a purposeful choice. ~ Khenpo Tsultrim Lodro
在完成一件善行或修行時,適當的迴向功德應該根據經文來做。既然在禪修或放生過程中已經產生了非常好的業力,那麼如何運用這個善業就成了一個關鍵的問題。它應該被用來獲得解脫、健康、長壽或在天界或人間的投生嗎?我們可做選擇。從本質上講,迴向就是做出一個有目的的選擇。 ~ 堪欽慈誠羅珠仁波切