Post by Neo on Oct 19, 2020 18:15:37 GMT -5
婆羅門女 Aputi com 佛典動畫 The story of Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva Brahman girl This film completed in June 2009 by Aputi.com.In the past,an inconceivable number of kalpas ago, there is a Brahman girl who having deep blessing and good virtue. Her mother once vilified Dharma, in order to save the mother's soul, Brahman girl sits there chanting the name of Buddha for a whole day, by the majestic power of Buddha, she finally went to her mother's born place. Aputi創作於2009.06。在過去很久以前,地藏菩薩有一世生為福德深厚的婆羅門女。她為了超度曾誹謗過佛法的母親,端坐思惟佛號一日一夜,經佛力加持後終於來到母親的所生之處…… 贊助 Please donate and sponsor Link